Salcido did issue a statement Thursday. She has acknowledged to the commission that she erred in judgment but described her bench behavior as taking a "tough love" approach. She also stated for the record that "The Commission on Judicial Performance has recently chosen the path of charging and trying me, in large part for my demeanor on the bench -- 38 instances out of an estimated 12,000 court appearances assigned to me during the past 18 months," Salcido said in the statement, issued by her attorney, Heather Rosing of San Diego's Klinedinst. "While I acknowledge that my style is different than that traditionally expected of judges, I believe that it is an effective way to accomplish the important goals of my service. I truly believe the results speak for themselves."
Some of her audition comments:
When a woman admitted to an alcohol and drug use problem, the judge referenced the Jamie Foxx song by saying, "Blame it on the a-a-a-a-alcohol.
She told another defendant "they might like your smile in jail," and on another occasion, told a man she placed on probation: "What that means is don't come before the court on another case ... 'cause you will definitely be screwed and we don't offer Vaseline for that."The judge has until Oct. 7 to answer the commission.
If you believe that Judge Salcido is wrongfully accused then you can join her Facebook Fan Club: Support DeAnn Salcido. I, personally, haven't made up my mind yet.
wow, and i thought judge milian was a meglomaniac.