Monday, January 31, 2011

Bruno Mars Takes Plea Deal For His Cocaine Arrest

A bathroom attendant at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino noticed a man taking a long time in a stall with a bag of a white, powdered substance just before 2 a.m., and summoned security.  Police said Mars handed over a bag containing 2.6 grams of cocaine, and told the arresting officer he'd never used drugs before. Police said Mars handed over a bag containing 2.6 grams of cocaine, and told the arresting officer he'd never used drugs before. Police said Mars handed over a bag containing 2.6 grams of cocaine, and told the arresting officer he'd never used drugs before.

He spent a night in the Clark County jail in Las Vegas after his arrest in September following a performance at a Las Vegas nightclub.

"Bruno is very appreciative he is being given this opportunity as a first offender not to suffer any conviction and instead to have his charge dismissed," Berk told The Associated Press. "He is taking all of this quite seriously."

The plea agreement will let Mars step past the Las Vegas cocaine charge a week before the 53rd Grammy Awards show in Los Angeles. Mars is nominated for seven awards, including best male pop vocal for his hit, "Just the Way You Are." He also co-wrote "(Expletive) You" and was featured on B.o.B's "Nothin' on You" — a nominee for record of the year.

I am so disappointed in him and I hope that he is not hooked on this stuff. He seems like such a talent and he is so new to the game. His image portrays him to be so raw and natural. I hope he this works out well for him.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mother in Florida Killed Her Children For Talking Back. Can We Say Overreacting?

Julie Powers Schenecker, Tampa Florida resident, shot and killed her both of her children for being "mouthy." (ain't that a bitch. Has she met a teenager?)

Schenecker, 50-year-old wife of a U.S. Army colonel, shot her son twice in the head "for talking back" as she drove him to soccer practice. As if that wasn't enough, she then drove home and shot her daughter in the head while she studied at her computer. Investigators believe the teens "never saw it coming." Both were killed with a .38-caliber pistol.

This was a planned double murder, she left a note detailing her plans to kill her disrespectful children and then herself, saying "they talked back and were mouthy and that she was going to take care of it," police said.
Julie Schenecker was jailed and charged with two counts of first-degree murder. Wearing a white jumpsuit, she was led into a county jail later Friday visibly shaking and being supported by a sheriff's deputy.

Can you say stressed out mother to say the least?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

New California Laws of 2011 a.k.a. S%& You Should Know

While everyone sipped their champagne on New Years Eve and kissed at the stroke of midnight, the politicians in Sacramento were busy passing 747 new laws. As mommies, daddies, sisters, brothers, grandchildren, aunts and uncles it would be advantageous for us all to be aware of the new laws passed in our beloved state. I also know that no one has the time or energy to read through them all. That is what I'm here for. I have summarized some of the more commonly approached laws that have passed below.

Let's start with the herbal news: Marijuana possession not exceed 28.5 grams is now an infraction (no worse than a speeding ticket) not a misdemeanor. Medical marijuana dispensaries must be located at least 600 feet away from any K-12 school.

If you catch a grand theft charge, the amount you can steal has risen to $950, up from $400.

Feb. 6 of every year is now officially Ronald Reagan Day in California. (Right in the middle of Black History Month? Ok, Mr. Schwarzenegger.)

It is illegal to sell electronic cigarettes to minors. (So, no pretending to be Allison Dubois from the Housewives of Beverly Hills.) - Cut to video of dinner scene. 

PARENTS! parents who fail to reasonably assess and correct their chronically truant child’s school attendance can now be charged with a misdemeanor and face a maximum penalty of one year in jail and a $2,000 fine.

Landlords cannot evict tenants who are victims of domestic or sexual abuse or stalking
Food stamps an acceptable form of payment at farmers markets through an EBT process.

Child Abuse. Life without the possibility of parole, for abuse by a parent or other caregiver that causes a child under 8 to go into a coma or become permanently paralyzed.

Sex offenders who prey on children and an additional fine of up to $100,000 if a commercial sex act and human trafficking are involved.

Young people to remain on their parents’ plan until age 26, (damn, missed it by 2 years!) prohibit insurers from denying coverage to children based on a pre-existing condition, require health plans to cover preventive services (such as mammograms) without co-pays or deductibles and protect patients from having their coverage illegally or unfairly rescinded.

It is now a misdemeanor to impersonate someone through or on a website or by certain other electronic means to harm, intimidate, threaten or defraud another person. (I wonder if this includes the many idiots on you tube?)

TO THE PAPS: a misdemeanor to tailgate or drive recklessly to capture a photo or tape recording of someone for commercial purposes. See Keith Urban, Nicole Richie and Halle Berry.
Now, a funny one, misdemeanor to enter an animal enclosure at a zoo, circus, aquarium or traveling animal exhibit without permission. (Yes, There are people that actually do this.)

There are more to come in another post. Don't want to bore you all too much. As always, if you don't believe me here is a link. But I have retrieved these laws and their prospective California Code numbers from the California Bar website.

Personal Opinion: I think it is a bit annoying that Gov. Schwarzenegger  had time and energy to sign  new 747 bills into law last year, while lawmakers were struggling with budget woes and more than 2 million Californians unemployed. But who am I? A mire mortal none the less. Hope you found this informative.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A little of this and A little of that

A little bit of mommyhood...

My daughter told me, "I'm sorry, Mommy." this morning. A smile gleamed gracefully across my face. I asked, "Why?, Hunny". "You change my diaper, Mommy. I'm sorry."

A light bulb went off. You see, I tried to change her diaper last night and was pleasantly welcomed with a 30 minute kicking, screaming, fist pumping, red-faced tantrum. As usual and as I read in Parenting Magazine, I stood by and let her have her tantrum giving her a gentle back rub and quietly calming her down. I am used to it by now. So, imagine my surprise when my little 22 month old remembered overnight to tell me she was sorry for her actions. So cute and so needed. That sorry covered me for the past 2 years, including the pain she caused me during childbirth. That sorry may have at least carried me till she's 4 or 5.

A little bit of law student...

While assiduously studying my LSAT prep books, the reading comprehension drills beckoned me to develop my vocabulary. Something fun (Ok, so I know I'm a nerd for thinking this is fun) is that I actually learned some new words. I thought I would share them with you. Here they are...

Lit-to-ral (adjective)
1. Of or pertaining to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.

Ach-ro-mat-ic (adjective)
1. Optics (a) free from color. (b) able to emit, transmit, or receive light without seperating it into colors.

Af-fa-ble (adjective)
1. pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial; warmly polite
2. showing warmth and friendliness; benign; pleasant

im-bibe (verb)
1. to consume (liquids) by drinking; drink
2. to absorb or soak up, as water, light, or heat
3. to take or receive into the mind, as knowledge, ideas, or the like

Where's the beef? Not at Taco Bell.

Well, it all depends on how much beef is considered "beef". I mean what is "beef" per say? Taco Bell doesn't want to get too technical but one former Taco Bell manager does.

A law firm is claiming that the fast food chain is using false advertising when it says its Mexican delicacies are filled with "ground beef" or "seasoned ground beef."

Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles filed a class action suit on Friday, on behalf of a California woman, Amanda Obney, former Taco Bell manager, in the U.S. District Court of California, Central District.

In fact, the lawsuit claims, the "taco meat filling" used by Taco Bell contains is only about 35% beef, with binders, extenders, preservatives, additives and other agents making up the other 65%. Obeny doesn't want to get paid, she just wants the court to order Taco Bell to be honest with customers about what is in its tacos, chalupas and other dishes.

"There is a 40 percent requirement that the product be beef or flesh from the cow in order for it to be called taco meat filling. However, under our analysis of the product, the Taco Bell product, at least the beef products, we're not even reaching the 40 percent. It's about 35 percent.," the law firm said.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's website, "ground beef" or "chopped beef" consists of chopped fresh or frozen beef with or without seasoning, should not contain more than 30% fat and should not contain water, phosphates, binders or extenders. The labeling of meat food products must comply with the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) and the meat inspection regulations and labeling policies.

For example, Beefy Crunch Burrito contains water, sodium phosphates, soy lecithin, modified corn starch, and anti-caking and anti-dusting agents, among others ingredients. All of that sounds gross and nasty.  

Taco Bell president and chief concept officer Greg Creed said in a statement that the company uses 100% USDA-inspected beef and simmers it in a blend of seasonings to give it the "signature Taco Bell taste and texture."

"We are proud of the quality of our beef and identify all the seasoning and spice ingredients on our website," the statement said.   "Unfortunately, the lawyers in this case elected to sue first and ask questions later -- and got their 'facts' absolutely wrong. We plan to take legal action for the false statements being made about our food."

I can't believe that someone would pay attorney's fees and costs to sue just to make a point, I'm not sure what the damages are in this case but I would bet that she is requesting SOME kind of money.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union: America does big things..

If you were determined to be a good citizen tonight, which would have meant turning from Glee or re-runs of The Office on TBS, you would have sat through President Obama's second State of the Union address which included 62 minutes of uninterrupted speech time. Unless you count the 80 times the speech was interrupted by deafening applause and mixed reviews of standing ovation.

Here are some of the talking points:

For the liberals: a renewed call to raise taxes on the very wealthy, a promise of more higher-education aid for the middle class, new federal initiatives in scientific research and energy technology, and a renewed focus on jobs, in the form of fresh spending for road and bridge repair and high-speed rail construction. There was a new push for immigration reform, a pledge to protect Social Security from efforts to privatize or slash benefits and a renewed vow to start withdrawing U.S. forces from Afghanistan next summer.

For the conservatives: lower the corporate tax rate, reduce medical malpractice costs and let ROTC and military recruiters back on all college campuses.

Green projects & Innovation:  He called for more spending on high-speed rail and high-speed Internet. And in a key concession, one sure to rile environmentalists, Obama called for spending on clean-energy technology - but for the first time included nuclear power, "clean" coal and natural gas.
- KTLA News

"With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with bio fuels, and become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015. We need to get behind this innovation. And to help pay for it, I'm asking Congress to eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies. I don't know if you've noticed, but they're doing just fine on their own. So instead of subsidizing yesterday's energy, let's invest in tomorrow's." Well said, Mr. President.
Health care: The laugh of the night came when he referenced the disagreement between the parties over the health care bill - as if to say "disagreement" was an understatement. Personally, I think there is nothing funny about it and it is in fact very sad that our government can't just decide something and move on already. Obama promised medical malpractice reform and continuance of health care reform.

Education: "But if we want to win the future - if we want innovation to produce jobs in America and not overseas - then we also have to win the race to educate our kids." said, Obama. He spoke of his incentive Race to the Top that will be replacing Bush's No Child Left Behind policy. He urged students to become teachers to go to work for their country, wanting 100,000 new teachers in the next year.

Cutting Back: He mentioned that he plans on vetoing bills for pet projects or earmarks; Proposed deficit-cutting steps, including a five-year freeze in spending for some domestic programs.

If you missed tonight's Address, I have included a link to the text in it's entirety. If you don't feel like reading it, because your eyes are as tired as mine, here are some soundbites:

"Governing will now be a shared responsibility between parties," he said. "We will move forward together, or not at all."

"What comes of this moment is up to us. What comes of this moment will be determined not by whether we can sit together tonight, but whether we can work together tomorrow."

"So yes, the world has changed. The competition for jobs is real. But this shouldn't discourage us. It should challenge us."

"The first step in winning the future is encouraging American innovation. "
          "And this July, we will begin to bring our troops home."
"Now that the worst of the recession is over, we have to confront the fact that our government spends more than it takes in,"
In a survey taken by the OC Register, 97% of the American people who watched tonight's speech, "liked him before and like him more now" 42% "Disliked him before and dislikes him less now", well, that's promising.

"America does big things and structure is strong.", Barack Obama. I think so too, Mr. President, I think so too. I believe in your vision. And I wish America the best in 2011.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Graders Having Sex In The Classroom With Teacher Present

Whatever happened to just an innocent classroom of learning?
In Oakland, CA an investigation is under way at Markham Elementary School. Second grade students were allegedly engaged in oral sex in the classroom. They reportedly stripped off some of their clothes during class. The police investigation began when parents were notified of the situation in a letter on Thursday.

The second-grade teacher has been placed on leave from the school and has been barred from the campus. The male teacher, who's name has not been released told investigators he did not see any of the acts that authorities suspect occurred last week.   "We believe if the reports are true, there was a serious lapse of judgment or lack of supervision in the classroom," said Troy Flint, a spokesman for the Oakland Unified School District. "We're investigating how could this have happened. It seems unthinkable to us, just the same way it does to the public."

I am outraged that this could happen in the classroom right in front of the teacher. How much commotion could have been going on for him not to have seen two children having oral sex? Didn't he notice them taking clothing off?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Funniest Facebook Conversation Ever...Hint: It Has To Do With Hotties and Coconuts

Oh, It looks so Innocent doesn't it.
Authentic Legal Disclaimer: (not really I just think it sounds legal-ish when I read it aloud) Names and Faces May Be Omitted To Protect The Identities Of Others. (Unless she tells me it's ok, in which case I will edit her back in.)

Her On Tuesday:
Excited about my coconut water I bought today. Loving the benefits coconuts offer.

Mental flash to last saturday, when I went to a Sprouts for the first time. I was so astounded with the invigorating farm produce selection and mesmerized by the all encompassing homeopathy section, that I entered a punch drunk state of being. I found myself grabbing items that I not only didn't need, but I didn't really want either it seems. While in the checkout line, my mommy/wifey beacon glimmered brightly, illuminating this rather large cylindrical display of COCONUT WATER(It's even named after a organic substance, this must be good for you) So I read the can, great benefits. I check out the other people in my close vicinity also taking several cans. I see that they are on sale so I grab'em. I figure it's worth a shot.

As soon as I get home, I drink awaiting the unadulterated quench mixed with an instantly healthier body. (I have no idea what I thought would happen, I just knew that it would make me better some how.) I drink.

Instantly, I run to the sink and spit it out. This was so gross I couldn't stand it. It tastes like taking the oil bits left in the Italian dressing bottle, mixing it with chicken grease and then mixing it aga with a pina colata and letting that chill on ice for an hour.

Suffice it to say when I saw this comment. I had to respond.

Me on Tuesday: I bought some coconut water and I can't do it, I need some pineapple or something to mix in. I know it's good for me but SO gross.

Her on Tuesday: Is it really Jaz? :( LOL

Me on Tuesday: Well, i think its cuz im not a milk drinker anyway so it grosses me out. lol I bet it's good with rum. (Everything's good with rum)
Her on Tuesday: LMFAO!!! OMG, that defeats the purpose of its benefits!

Me on Wednesday: But so yummy! LOL j/k

I tried to warn her. Time goes on. I forget about the whole conversation, until tonight.

(yes, that many "U"s and that many "E"s)

 I "Like" the comment.


Her on Friday: *BARF* Jaz, why didn't you tell me it tastes like what purified horse shit would smell like?

Another Commenter: Oh, I thought you knew. It's great for you..if you can get it down. :/     (apparently, I wasn't the only one punch drunk in the grocery store)

Her on Friday: T, I couldn't get it down. I was so excited the other day to have it in my fridge. Guess them mofos will be in there for decoration...

Me on Friday: I tried to tell you....LMAO LOL LMAO I thought you had tasted it before. It looks appetizing on the outside of the can, tho. LOL LMAO

Another Commenter: LOL...I remember your excitement! I went through the same thing...I threw it away.

Her on Friday: OMFG... I will give you credit for telling me it was nasty, but DAYUM!! Not that grotesque!!!!!

Me on Friday: I mixed it in the baby's milk.

Her on Friday: LMFAO!!! Poor baby J!!! :'(

Me on Friday: Couldn't just let it go to waste. I was so excited about it when I bought it too, I had 5 cans!
Her on Friday: I have 5 also. They'll just have to take up space. Maybe I'll make the cat drink em... LMAO

Me on Friday: It's an acquired taste.
A Different Commenter: that shit is bomb!

Her on Friday: O good. Now my coconut water has a new home!

LOL. *smile*

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

So You Want To Go To Law School, Animated

I love this video, so much that I had to re-post it here. It encompasses all the warnings that the attorneys tell me on the daily at the firm, only over a computer generated voice, which is much funnier. Thanks, Dwkazzie. He makes several computer animation videos. Check them out. I have been laughing all night.

Why Do People STILL Think Our President Is Not An American?

Barack Obama & Dad, In Hawaii
Before I even start this post, here is a link to a picture of Barack Hussein Obama's Birth Certificate.

It is difficult to understand how the Birthers Movement still exists. Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1961... the end. Even if he wasn't, he is already the president so what does it even matter. This Movement was very strong during his campaign. I thought it had fizzled out (or maybe I just stopped paying attention) after he was elected.

Now the new governor of Hawaii has given them something new to sink their teeth into. In a recent article featuring an interview with governor of Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, by Star-Advertiser political columnist Richard Borreca, commenters twisted his answer to a question about the whereabouts of Obama's birth certificate. Here is an excerpt from his interview: 
Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?

A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

(Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...

...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.
See the full article here.
So, the last time I checked, my Certificate of Live Birth wasn't recorded in the Department of Health. But if I wanted a copy, I would go to the COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. You know, where they RECORD things. I mean really, this guy just doesn't know where to look. The worse part is that non-believers jumped on the opportunity in his lazy rhetoric offered..."It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down" Well it would be written down, it's called being RECORDED. That doesn't mean it is forged. The fact is that despite all the bloggers exploding on the Internet, there is nothing in this article that suggests Obama's Birth Certificate doesn't exist. Quite the opposite,Abercrombie is saying that his birth is recorded in state records.
Barack Obama & Mom, Guess Where? In Hawaii.

The scary part are the comments from the angry Birthers, drooling over this new bite of information. Several blogs have taagged this interview with Mr. Doesn't-Know-His-Own-Government-Abercrombie here are some of examples of the comments.

9-11 Infidel says: [First of all, what's up with his screen name?] No shit Sherlock. Try looking in Kenya.

Dead Kracker Babies says:[Does his screen name, not ring a bell at his mental stability?] They can’t find my record of birth in Hawaii either, perhaps it’s because I wasn’t born there. Duh!

Dogwood says: I don’t care about Hawaii anymore. I’m starting to wonder whether Obama was even born on planet Earth. :[Really?]

Teacake says: Thing is, his father is a foreigner and that alone disqualifies him because both parents have to be American citizens. No one ever talks about that. :[Let's hope this person doesn't breed.]

All you birthers out there, please enlighten me. With all this evidence to the contrary, Why do you STILL believe our President is not an American?

Monday, January 17, 2011

He Had A Dream. Do You Think Dr. King Would Be Satisfied?

My first memories of Dr. Martin Luther King are of my 3rd grade play in the multipurpose room at La Tijera elementary school. All 30 kiddies, myself included, recited the "I have a Dream" speech while wearing red sweatsuits and a black pointy hats [I have no idea what the outfits were about]. I remember how it made me feel. So important to have learned the first paragraph of that speech and so incredibly honored that this was a "black man" that wrote it. I was in love with his vision. At the time I only understood it to mean that he believed that all people should be equal, no matter what the color. Since I was repeatedly "mocked" for being a "rainbow" kid because I would enjoy the company of kids that were not always just black on the playground I bought into this dream. I found myself spending lunchtime and recess inside with my Caucasian teacher, Mrs. Leirner grading the other children's papers while she studied for the LSAT (foreshadow anyone?). I enjoyed learning about different religions and traditions. I would grow up to study Japanese in high school and even minor in Asian studies in college. Dr. King inspired me to believe that people could be treated equal as well as become who they wanted. In light of his day, I have reposed his speech here on my blog. Enjoy.

P.S. Do you think Dr. King would be happy with the social and political status of the world today? I do. What do you think?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Shut Up Willis: LSAT Update Part II

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

It has taken me 2 months to get enough time to actually take a full length practice test. This took major maneuvers, People. I had to get a baby sitter for 4 hours. Get ink to print the damn thing. Take a mountain of vitamins and herbs to have enough energy to last through it, but I made it.

I climbed the mountain top to my first LSAT score. A wonderful incredible amazing magnanimous.....(drum roll please).... 143.

Isn't that just precious. Boy, I have work to do. I'm not soooo worried about it, given that I haven't even finished the first workbook and I am only getting 1 hour of study time per night. I try and study on lunch breaks but I am getting totally discouraged on bringing my LSAT book to work. Unfortunately, I have been on the receiving end of several negative comments from the peanut gallery.

It is so interesting how negative energy works. It spreads like venom. And much like venom when someone is infected with it, the most desirable action is the urge to purge that negativity from themselves, which may include spewing it upon others. When certain beings see me, they see a working wife and mother with a young child and grown lady bills. People also see a African American woman with a good career opportunity and a semi good head on her shoulders. Which is great. However, that also means that I am often mistakenly misunderstood to be "stretched too thin" and "incapable of getting better" which means I should be concerned with "not f&%*%ing up what I already have".

I say all this to say, that when I tell people of my ambitions to attend law school it is NOT often met with a supportive ear. It is most often met with a look of confusion, pity and condescending staring. I have received this from family, friends and most especially, people at the firm.  What people don't know about me, is that precise treatment, fuels my fire.

Honestly, I wouldn't be where I am today, if I listened to the Nay-Sayers. If I played it safe, I wouldn't have a lovely family, degrees, great career path or the house with the white picket fence (well, it's white metal but who's counting). When I think about it, I have the American Dream already, living it. But I want more. I never want to be stagnant in my education, my development and my success. I decided that a long time ago that I was never going to be JUST satisfied. So, I will always strive for more. For myself and my family.

But before I shut up the negative Natalies and storm the halls of law school, I have to pass this damn LSAT with a MUCH better score than a poo poo 143. So.......babysitter anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

Person Gets A Year In Jail For Using the "F" Word

What would you say if you were sentenced to 26 years in prison and 5 years of supervised release then violated that release and received an additional 36 months in prison? Considering you received the sentence because you were convicted of second degree murder, you may not be the most polite person. Let me guess, you wouldn't say thank you?

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit has affirmed the criminal contempt conviction of an unnamed defendant who uttered the “F” word during his sentencing hearing in the Washington, D.C. District Court.
It all started in March of 2009 when the defendant plead guilty to second degree murder in the District of Columbia Superior Court. He was sentenced to 26 years in prison. Then in August 2000, the defendant pleaded guilty to charges of cocaine possession and was sentenced to time served plus five years of supervised release.
It was that supervised release thing that he hadn't quite gotten the hang of. So he violated it. Which means he had a hearing. At that hearing he was sentenced to thirty-six more months’ imprisonment to run consecutively to his sentence for the murder conviction.

He repeatedly interrupted the district judge and finally exclaimed “Fuck y’all.”  The judge was pissed an added another year to his conviction.

Kinda reminds me of the famous "The Breakfast Club" scene where the teacher keeps adding days to his detention. Yes I am black and yes I have seen "The Breakfast Club". Get with it.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Funny Twitter Posts

Sometimes I come across a twitter post that makes me laugh so much I pee my pants. Hey, that's what we have baby wipes for. In efforts to make the blog more lively this year, I thought I would share the laughs. Enjoy!

Jon Jon
@ LMAO - what kinda defense is "im stupid by reason of insantiy" he need to beat his lawyers ass.

Wendy Carrero

New York: During a concert, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks. (Dumb Laws)

Napthalie Starr ✩

I asked my mom for money and she said "Does it look like I am made of money?" I said "Well thats what M.O.M stands for". lol :pp

Naomi de la Torre

Instead of losing your marbles when your toddler relocates your bfast sandwiches into the washing machine..

Brian Postlewait

Like all good freshman congressmen--new Tea Party GOPers start things off by selling their souls. Bedeep, Bedeep, that's all folks.

Jackson & Nima

I wonder if Sarah Palin can see she's an idiot from her house.


Letterman on Snooki's book "I blame Sarah Palin. She lowered the bar."

Alyssa Parent

dances with siberian huskys

More to come...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Homeless Man Proves That The Pursuit of Happiness Is Real

Sarah Palin Gives Michelle Obama an Biting Honorary Mention In Her New Book

Palin bites at the President's Wife, again.
Sarah Palin, the quintessential poster woman for Tea Partiers and Birthers alike, has once again put her foot in her mouth. This time insulting the First Lady of the United States. In her new book, "America By Heart" Palin takes up white space on a page by addressing a comment, not only taken out of context but stated over 4 years ago by Mrs. Obama.

I'm sure we all remember this quote made by Michelle Obama on the campaign trail in Madison, Wisconsin, during the 2008 campaign.

What we have learned over this year is that hope is making a comeback. It is making a comeback. And let me tell you something--for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction, and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment. I've seen people who are hungry to be unified around some basic common issues, and it's made me proud.

Palin took it upon herself to bring up the past in her new book. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that she probably had nothing else to write about. Here is what she said:  "You know, when I hear people say, or had said during the campaign that they've never been proud of America, Haven't they met anybody in uniform yet? I get tears in my eyes when I see that young man, that young woman, walking through the airport in too... so proud to be American."

Why is she still taking digs at the current administration? And I'm sorry but isn't THAT un-American?

Appeals Court Rules Crosses on Federal Land Unconstitutional

Is having a cross on public property unconstitutional? It is now. According to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, having a religious symbol incorporated into a memorial is a no go.  Three versions of the Christian symbol have been erected atop 822-foot Mount Soledad in La Jolla, California, since 1913.

The current 43-foot cross was erected in 1954 in honor of Korean War veterans and has been the subject of near constant judicial back and forth since 1989, when two Vietnam War veterans filed suit against the city, saying it violated the California Constitution's "No Preference" clause.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the notion that the cross -- since the late 1990s surrounded by plaques and paving stones honoring veterans and war dead -- was solely a memorial.

"The use of such a distinctively Christian symbol to honor all veterans sends a strong message of endorsement and exclusion," the court said in its ruling. "It suggests that the government is so connected to a particular religion that it treats that religion's symbolism as its own, as universal. To many non-Christian veterans, this claim of universality is alienating."

The ruling will almost certainly be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jerry Brown Is In The Building!

Edmund Gerald Brown Jr. was sworn in as California's 39th governor today — 36 years after first taking the same oath — with a warning of shared sacrifice with his fellow Californians and hard choices ahead to help the state out of its financial crisis.

In a 17-minute address, the Democrat spoke of overcoming adversity and restoring the people's faith in government. He vowed that his spending plan would have "no more smoke and mirrors" and "no more empty promises" — one of three principles Brown said would guide his administration. Reiterating campaign promises, Brown also said he would work to return power to cities and counties and enact "no new taxes unless the people vote for them."

Brown, who was governor from 1975 to 1983, is the first California governor to serve non-consecutive terms and the second to serve a third term. Way to go Jerry! Let's see how you do.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011! Dirty Dishes, Barak Obama and Antoine Dodson...Oh My!

I'm not that proud of the fact that I have not kept up with my blog. I promise that I will try better this year. Starting with neglecting this ...
The dreaded LSAT study materials

and that.

Sink full of dishes!


I wanted to talk about something fun and exciting and unrelated to law because I am swamped in new cases at work so look down and see what I found!


I love Top 10s! I had to find the perfect one for my first post of the new year so I went with the smartie pants option. CNN posted their Top 10 most intriguing (using my best Doctor Evil voice) people of 2010. I am reposting it here for you. (Aren't I cute)  

NUMBER ONE! Julian Assange the ultimate tattle-tale and WikiLeaks' mastermind, the guy who everyone loved to hate or loved to defend, got the most first-place votes (25%) on's “Most Intriguing Person” poll for 2010.

Following Assange were:

2. President Barack Obama, Evidentally, being the first African American man President is SOOOO 2009.
3. Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, I still haven't seen "The Social Network", but I did see, "Harry Potter" same thing right?
4. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.
5. Marisol Valles Garcia, a police chief in Mexico. Who looks alot like Nelly Futado.
6. Chilean miner Edison Pena. 69 days. That's all that needs to be said.
7. Kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart. Not sure about if she is intriguing for what happened over 10 years ago or because she is just now talking about it.
8. Tony Hayward, the former CEO of BP. The ultimate mess maker.
9. Kim Jong Un, presumed future leader of North Korea. Be Intrigued be very Intrigued.
10. Antoine Dodson, whose thoughts about rape went viral on video. REALLY!!!

What is the world coming to where this guy, and our PRESIDENT are on the same list for ANYTHING?

I guess. Well, here we go 2011. Hold on to your Knickers!