Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011! Dirty Dishes, Barak Obama and Antoine Dodson...Oh My!

I'm not that proud of the fact that I have not kept up with my blog. I promise that I will try better this year. Starting with neglecting this ...
The dreaded LSAT study materials

and that.

Sink full of dishes!


I wanted to talk about something fun and exciting and unrelated to law because I am swamped in new cases at work so look down and see what I found!


I love Top 10s! I had to find the perfect one for my first post of the new year so I went with the smartie pants option. CNN posted their Top 10 most intriguing (using my best Doctor Evil voice) people of 2010. I am reposting it here for you. (Aren't I cute)  

NUMBER ONE! Julian Assange the ultimate tattle-tale and WikiLeaks' mastermind, the guy who everyone loved to hate or loved to defend, got the most first-place votes (25%) on's “Most Intriguing Person” poll for 2010.

Following Assange were:

2. President Barack Obama, Evidentally, being the first African American man President is SOOOO 2009.
3. Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg, I still haven't seen "The Social Network", but I did see, "Harry Potter" same thing right?
4. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.
5. Marisol Valles Garcia, a police chief in Mexico. Who looks alot like Nelly Futado.
6. Chilean miner Edison Pena. 69 days. That's all that needs to be said.
7. Kidnap victim Elizabeth Smart. Not sure about if she is intriguing for what happened over 10 years ago or because she is just now talking about it.
8. Tony Hayward, the former CEO of BP. The ultimate mess maker.
9. Kim Jong Un, presumed future leader of North Korea. Be Intrigued be very Intrigued.
10. Antoine Dodson, whose thoughts about rape went viral on video. REALLY!!!

What is the world coming to where this guy, and our PRESIDENT are on the same list for ANYTHING?

I guess. Well, here we go 2011. Hold on to your Knickers!

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