Monday, January 17, 2011

He Had A Dream. Do You Think Dr. King Would Be Satisfied?

My first memories of Dr. Martin Luther King are of my 3rd grade play in the multipurpose room at La Tijera elementary school. All 30 kiddies, myself included, recited the "I have a Dream" speech while wearing red sweatsuits and a black pointy hats [I have no idea what the outfits were about]. I remember how it made me feel. So important to have learned the first paragraph of that speech and so incredibly honored that this was a "black man" that wrote it. I was in love with his vision. At the time I only understood it to mean that he believed that all people should be equal, no matter what the color. Since I was repeatedly "mocked" for being a "rainbow" kid because I would enjoy the company of kids that were not always just black on the playground I bought into this dream. I found myself spending lunchtime and recess inside with my Caucasian teacher, Mrs. Leirner grading the other children's papers while she studied for the LSAT (foreshadow anyone?). I enjoyed learning about different religions and traditions. I would grow up to study Japanese in high school and even minor in Asian studies in college. Dr. King inspired me to believe that people could be treated equal as well as become who they wanted. In light of his day, I have reposed his speech here on my blog. Enjoy.

P.S. Do you think Dr. King would be happy with the social and political status of the world today? I do. What do you think?


  1. Although I think he would be proud, I wouldn't go as far as to say satisfied. The main reason being that we still have a ways to go before people interact with one another without the premise of color. I don't know if that will ever happen since skin color is such an identifiable trait. The law alone doesn't rid of us stereotypes and ideas of supremacy. Still, when I think about how far our country has come in observing civil rights, I am truly proud.

  2. I agree with your choice of words. Dr. King would like for color to become erased from our interaction. Unfortunately, with centuries of stereotypes and intolerance which have been solidified by law making practices (see Arizona) we do have a ways to go before we are all holding hands singing, "We are the World" I think we have made progress in the right direction and for that I am proud too. Thank you for commenting by the way. :)
